Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

Tyler's birthday celebration carried over into Easter Sunday. He opened birthday gifts first thing in the morning, then we dyed eggs right before church. Tyler, Grandma Glass and I attended church while Tyson worked on Easter preparations. Tyler was um... "lively" at church today. During the children's message, instead of listening or participating, Tyler kept asking to souffle the candles and pointing out butterfly balloons that were "stuck", wanting to fix them. He also saw another kid's Thomas Train on the floor, but thankfully remained seated. During the sermon, when the pastor suggested we take a moment to "listen, and observe the sounds we hear when we take a moment to really listen", Tyler blurted "I love you!" The pastor worked this into his sermon, so it was quite touching, but when the pastor asked us to listen again, Tyler exlaimed "Don't blow your nose!" He spent the rest of the service asking "Where's my candle? Gonna souffle it?" Clearly, he associates church with the Christmas Eve Service. I told him  he could have a candle after church if he stayed quiet. When we got home, Tyson indulged me without question. He went the extra mile - he made him a candle similar to what the church provides on Christmas Eve, with a little cup to catch the wax, but used a re-lighting candle so Tyler could practice blowing it out again and again.

So happy!!!

This year, Tyler was totally into the Easter Egg hunt, eagerly running from egg to egg and so gingerly placing them in his Easter bag.

At the end of the egg hunt, 17 eggs were accounted for. The contented smile on Vader's face makes him a prime suspect.

I remembered seeing some bunny ears in the cupboard under Tyler's grill recently...sure enough they were still there, from LAST Easter. Thanks Grandma Allaire!

Only Tyler can make bunny ears look gangster.

Chowing down on jelly beans...

Tyson and I may not be romantic, but we certainly are spontaneous. We suddenly decided to team up, hogtie Tyler and strap him into a chair for an Easter haircut. He was pretty mad at first, but when Grandma Allaire hooked him up with some baby powder and a paintbrush, he was good to go.

Happy Easter!!!

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