Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Thing About Grandpas...

I never met either of my grandfathers. Tyson never met his dad's dad, and was pretty young when his mom's dad died. So it has been especially touching to me to watch Tyler and Grandpa Keith together.

This last visit, Grandpa Keith arrived, and before he could even sit down, Tyler was approaching him, describing his Hot Wheels car collection. Grandpa Keith sat down in the rocking chair, and Tyler climbed into his lap, chattering away.

This didn't come overnight. That Grandpa Keith, he's strategic. For many months, each time he's come to visit, he's had a Hot Wheels car in his shirt pocket. When Tyler would decline to say hello or otherwise acknowledge Grandpa's presence, Grandpa would pull the toy car out of his pocket, and begin quietly play with it on the coffee table. Tyler would soon notice and approach Grandpa, wanting to see the car. Somehow, by the end of the visit, Grandpa would leave minus one car, while Tyler would have an addition to his collection.

It wasn't until this particular visit that I realized the full impact of this strategy. Grandpa and Tyler now have a common interest, something to talk about at every visit. Tyler is now interested in cars from the 60's and 70's, gets excited to see them on the road or in photos, and looks forward to seeing his Grandpa. I hope this bond continues and that Tyler and Terry have a wonderful relationship in the years ahead.

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