Sunday, January 1, 2012

Snow Day

The thing I miss most about the east coast is snow. I loved waking up and knowing, by the grey light coming through my curtains, that the ground would be covered with snow. Wolfing down breakfast and rushing to get bundled up with a multiple layers of clothes, followed by a snowsuit, boots, jacket, hat, gloves, scarf...making snow angels, snowmen, eating snow, licking icicles, building forts, having snowball just don't get that opportunity very often when you live in the desert. Fortunately, Tyson has a four-wheel drive, so we were able to get up Mt. Lemmon early one morning to enjoy the freshly fallen snow.

It's not often that we get to drive higher than the clouds...

I slowly realized we just don't have the right equipment for making snow angels or building forts yet. We don't even have a sled! Soon Tyler, soon.

Tentative Tyler, of course, responded to his first experience with snow similarly to his first experience with grass. He did everything he could to avoid it!

And when overwhelmed, he snuggles up and tries to go to sleep.

We encouraged him to explore the campground. We eventually were able to coax Tyler into touching the snow, smashing snowballs, and discovered that he LOVED eating icicles.

Here's to more snow days like this one!

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