Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Sunday

Although Tyler had made his way into the world in time for Easter last year, he was only 5 days old and Tyson and I were not yet functional. I vaguely remember turning off an alarm clock that morning, and Grandma Allaire giving us a basket with a blue bunny with velcro on his ears. That bunny hung from Tyler's infant car seat for a long time.

So this year was Tyler's first real Easter. In the Glass house, Easter was always a big deal. First thing in the morning, we'd  go searching for our Easter baskets. Then we'd hunt for eggs, inside or outside depending on the weather. After eating some eggs and candy, we'd get ready for church. Seems like I always had a new dress for Easter, and sometimes an Easter bonnet.  After the church service, we'd either go to our cousins, the Lauderbacks (Aunt Gaye, Uncle Wayne, Dawn, Leah, and David, and their dogs, Goldie and Hugo) or they would come to our house. We'd hang out for a few hours, then eat a big meal, then dessert after that. There's be more chocolate there, and I'd always fall asleep on the car ride home.

In Tucson, I've usually spent Easter with Paula, Amber, Ashlynn, and their extended family. We'd go to the girls' church, then head to Paula's for a big lunch and an Easter egg hunt. This year was the first year we had Easter at our own home.

I didn't get to go toMaundy Thursday or Good Friday services this year, but I want that to be a tradition. On Easter Sunday, Tyler and I went to church while Tyson awaited Grandpa Keith's arrival, and made a delicious lunch - not of lamb, or ham, or eggs, but of stuffed shells. Yum! Tyler once again had a great time in church. We arrived early, and walked around the sanctuary,looking at the various decorations, the stained glass windows, the crosses, and all the butterflies. We picked a pew close to the exit, and Tyler loved standing on the pew, facing an elderly gentleman behind him, making faces and laughing.  He read the program like a book, from cover to cover and back again. Then when the service started, he loved the music and singing. He fell asleep during the sermon and stayed asleep for the rest of the service. When we got home, he was happy to go into Grandpa Keith's arms.

He liked the plastic eggs so much that he climbed up on our dinner table to get them.

After lunch, Tyson and I dyed some eggs. Nothing fancy, just good old food coloring and vinegar.

Tyler didn't get to join in on the dying action yet, but seemed to enjoy holding the eggs.

The project was quick and easy, and soon over.

I wish all the messes I had to clean up were this pretty.

Tyler was a champ throughout, and gave Tyson a good hug just before naptime.

 While Tyler napped, Tyson and I racked our latest creation - a strawberry witbier. It sure LOOKS good, can't wait to taste it!

When Tyler woke up, it was time for his Easter egg hunt. I thought it would be cute for Tyler to wear bunny ears while hunting for eggs. He declined to acquiesce.

It turns out, collecting eggs while crawling on all fours is counterproductive. Tyler was smashing eggs left and right. And I forgot that Vader had never been around for an Easter egg hunt before. He gulped down two eggs before I could stop him. Shell and all. So I quickly collected the rest of the real eggs, and stuck with plastic.

That night we had deviled eggs for dinner. What a great day!

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