Quick updates, a little late...
Throughout the month of December, Tyler got much better at pulling himself up to standing in his crib.
The music table continues to be his favorite toy. We love it too - the "blues" sound so much more soothing and interesting than the music played by most of his toys. The first day Tyler was at daycare, he fell in love with this toy, and Grandma Allaire found another one at a yard sale, so he could have one at home. Just when he began to be bored with it, he learned to stand, so we added the legs to it, and voila - it's a new, exciting toy all over again! (His second favorite toy is a dog that sings.) The beautiful blanket underneath has Tyler's name and date of birth embroidered on it, along with pictures and words to teach the alphabet - a gift from Melanie that all three of us love.
Tyler also learned to pull himself up on the kegerator. Now that babies are so familiar with buttons, we have to keep an eye on that temperature controller, in case he reprograms it!
I ran my first half-marathon on December 12th. Tyler didn't get to run with me, but was waiting for me at the finish line, and loved playing with our new medal.
It took us a while, but we eventually realized the distinction between "Da Da" and "Va Da", and that what we thought was "Da!" was actually "Da!hg". Tyler also says "Hi" and likes to give high fives.
I'd put up the Christmas pics, but it sounds like Tyler's nap is over. Next post...
Thanks for sharing all the pics. He's such a cutie. Can't wait to meet him one day. Love the kegerator pic... haha!