Tyson and our friend Chris competed in Urban Assault 2012 again this year. Tyson rode his new (albeit used) hybrid bike and the race was shorter this year, so he said it was easier even though he hasn't been biking much lately. Emery and I decided to meet up so we and our boys could cheer Tyson and Chris on. They arrived at our first rondezvous earlier than we expected, and I needed to change the batteries in the camera, so I didn't get a good shot of them participating in the challenge. But they stopped to check in with Tyler after.
We knew we couldn't make it to the next checkpoint fast enough, so we went to the last checkpoint - the Aquatic Center at Reid Park. Tyler and Noah had a great time stomping in puddles and playing with cars.
Tyson had said he didn't want to get wet, but both were required to get in the pool to participate. I was amazed to see him enter the water first. But I bet it felt good to cool off after all that riding.
We hung out at the after-party for several hours. It was great to kick back, and enjoy good food and beverages. Tyson and Tyler spent some time bonding with Wesley.
Doesn't Noah look so cute in that hat?
Congrats Tyson and Chris!