Getting ANYTHING into Tyer's mouth has been a challenge - since the day he was born. We spent the first two weeks of January focused on trying to get Tyler to eat baby food. He was an expert at blocking us, either by weaving his head back and forth, placing his tongue on the roof of his mouth and refusing to budge, or finally, leaning over his chair and looking at the floor, to make the most of gravity. But we finally succeeded in getting him to eat - he still cries for the first two bites, then decides to go ahead and make the best of it. We also have him drink some water after each meal, pouring it from a cup into his mouth. It's hard to tell whether he's actually drinking it or just playing with it. We've even started him on level 3 foods now, and although he still gags sometimes, he's finally starting to keep it down. We also got him to eat some spaghetti off my plate last night. YAY!
Other skills Tyler's been working on:
walking along the coffee table or from chair to chair
reading books - he LOVES books!
shaking his head from side to side (as though he's saying "No")
crying and saying "No" when scolded
"Da Da", "Va Da" (Vader), "Dog", "MomMom", "Hi", "Wa Da" (Bostonian for water), and lots of other words that Tyson and I haven't learned yet
Clapping his hands
Clapping our hands
Gesturing towards the ceiling fan to ask us to spin it
And just today, he repeated some of the words from one of his books! (Specifically, he chimed in as we read "Three singing pigs say La La La", saying La La La. Then we coaxed him into saying Moo and Meow)
Tyler's favorite books lately are So Say the Little Monkeys and We're Going On A Bear Hunt.
Thanks Jonell for all those wonderful books!
PS Yeah, we finally gave in and gave him an amateur haircut. And by "we" I mean "Tyson". Tyler wouldn't sit still, so Tyson resorted to trimming his hair while he was nursing. Yikes. But I will say Tyler seems alot happier now that he doesn't have all that hair in his face anymore...